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Rules for Conducting Transactions Between Users of the Garant Platform (P2P Platform)
This policy applies to all users of the platform utilizing the Garant (P2P platform) functionality.

I. Verification and Compliance

Users must strictly adhere to the principles of Know Your Customer (KYC), anti-money laundering (AML), and counter-terrorist financing (CTF) as well as legality principles outlined in this policy.

Users must follow the platform’s KYC verification rules, including real name verification requirements. These rules apply to user personal data and accounts related to P2P transactions, including Garant trading accounts and fiat currency accounts (collectively referred to as “Accounts”). Users must ensure that the Accounts they use on the Garant platform (hereinafter referred to as the “Platform”) are legally registered and used only by them.

If the Platform suspects money laundering or terrorist financing operations, users must actively cooperate with the platform in investigating such operations and, if necessary, assist in obtaining evidence for risk control (considering available risk control measures on the platform).

If users fail to comply with the requirements of section 1.2, the Platform reserves the right to disable their account, in whole or in part.

Users must ensure they have the legal rights to perform transactions in accordance with applicable laws. The Platform does not guarantee the legality of users’ transactions. The Platform does not represent any party in P2P transactions between users but may, to ensure the legality of all operations, check the legality of users’ transactions and take necessary measures according to applicable laws and regulations.

Users are responsible for complying with all local laws determining the legality of using the Platform in their jurisdiction, as well as other applicable laws and regulations. Users must also consider all aspects of local legislation regarding taxation, deductions, fees, reporting, and contributions to the relevant tax authorities.

II. General Trading Instructions
Before confirming a deal with a counterparty, carefully review the deal conditions — account number, amount, payment method to avoid unnecessary disputes after placing an order.
Ensure that the payment method indicated when placing the order matches the payment method you chose when setting 
up the ad.

Avoid participating in any transactions through third-party channels, including social networks, messengers, and face-to-face meetings. The Platform is not responsible for any losses or damages to assets resulting from transactions conducted or initiated by users outside the Platform. The Platform establishes transaction rules between the counterparty and Garant solely to support users’ work in services available on the Platform. The Platform does not act as a party in P2P transactions.

Users should refrain from using abusive and offensive language on the Platform. This includes, but is not limited to, communication in the user chat and online support chat, as well as comments on the order.
Both parties to the transaction must independently cover additional operating expenses related to fiat transfers, such as transaction fees charged by the payment service provider. Thus, the transfer amount must include all operation costs. Garant must always receive the full amount, and the buyer is responsible for fiat currency transaction fees charged by the payment service provider.

We do not recommend using payment methods where the seller cannot see the payer’s name as this prevents verifying the payer’s name with the name on the platform. In any disputes related to using payment methods where real names are not displayed, the buyer always bears the responsibility for the losses.

III. Instructions for the Buyer
You need to select a payment method available to Garant and transfer the amount specified on the order page within the time indicated by the platform. Be sure to click the “Paid” button after making the payment.

Use a payment method where the account holder’s name matches your name or your company name as registered with ALMAZ (it must match the name verified on ALMAZ). The platform does not support payment methods that have not been verified using a real name. The P2P function will be restricted for the user for at least 15 days when using a payment method verified with a false name. If, in a transaction dispute, it turns out that the buyer sent payment details of a third party, the buyer for that order bears the losses solely.

Transfer funds only to the bank account or Garant account whose owner’s name matches their registered name on ALMAZ or the registered name of the payment method added by the seller. Do not transfer money to third-party accounts not specified in the order details.
If Garant has specified instant or quick payment as the payment method, any other payment methods, such as international transfers, cannot be used without prior consent from Garant.
When sending a payment to Garant in fiat currency, it is recommended not to indicate in the transaction notes words related to digital assets (BTC, USDT, cryptocurrency purchase on ALMAZ, etc.). This will help avoid delays in processing and rejection of the payment.

If you have made a payment and clicked “Paid” but Garant did not transfer the corresponding digital assets (hereinafter referred to as the “Transfer”) within the specified time, you should first contact support in the chat. If you are sure that you are following the Platform’s rules and have completed all procedures required by it (including providing necessary documents that meet the platform’s requirements) but have not received a response from the seller, you can file an appeal. Upon the user’s request, the support team can help file a complaint according to the appeal submission rules. The platform does not act as a party in P2P transactions and therefore is not obliged to intervene in disputes between participants in P2P transactions. ALMAZ and the Platform reserve the right to the final interpretation and conclusion on appeals. Reconsideration of appeals is possible at the discretion of ALMAZ and the Platform, depending on the specific case.

In case of violating the instructions for buyers, the Platform has the right to take necessary measures in accordance with the Policy, Terms, applicable laws and regulations, or at its discretion. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, blocking the violator’s account and disabling its functions on the ALMAZ trading platform and/or Platform.

When placing an ad, the instructions for buyers in the Trading Terms must not contradict the current Transaction Policy between users (commission price, notes, etc.).

IV. Instructions for Garant (Seller)

The account holder’s name used for receiving payment must match your name used during registration on ALMAZ (the name must match the name used for verification on ALMAZ).
If, in a transaction dispute, it turns out that the seller sent payment details of a third party, the seller for that order bears the losses solely.

After confirming the full payment by the buyer, the seller must fulfill the order (confirm the transaction) within 15 minutes.

Unless otherwise provided by the Platform, you cannot request support to cancel an order without the buyer’s consent.

The prices on the orders set between the seller and the buyer are considered final and are not subject to discussion.

If you have unfinished transactions or disputes with the buyer, you must be constantly available. You must be reachable by phone number or email, messenger specified during registration on the Platform. If you remain in the status of available for order processing but for some reason cannot confirm or refute the order fulfillment by the buyer, the platform will consider the order fulfilled, and you may incur financial losses.

In the presence of additional fees from the payment system, the seller must provide a transaction confirmation with a clearly indicated deducted amount.

When placing an ad, the instructions for sellers in the Trading Terms must not contradict the current Transaction Policy between users (commission price, notes, etc.).

In case of violating the instructions for sellers, the Platform has the right to take necessary measures in accordance with the Policy, Terms, applicable laws and regulations, or at its discretion. Such measures may include, but are not limited to, blocking the violator’s account and disabling its functions on the ALMAZ trading platform.

V. Risk Warning and Disclaimer

Users fully understand the risks associated with P2P transactions, including the risk of changes in the value of digital assets, risks associated with the reliability of P2P transaction participants, as well as legal risks when conducting transactions with fiat currency.

Users must have sufficient knowledge, use common sense, follow the Platform’s recommendations, be able to take on the risks associated with P2P transactions, and agree to bear all risks associated with P2P transactions independently. Otherwise, the buyer or seller should not work with the Platform.
Users should not disclose personal information (including phone number, social networks, messengers, etc.) either in transaction conditions, automatic messages, or correspondence with other Platform users.
It is prohibited to use the names of ALMAZ, local banks, and payment systems, personal information, and any confidential data in the nickname.

Users cannot use multiple accounts to engage in Garant activities. If such accounts are detected, we have the right to block the possibility of Garant transactions for all related accounts.
Before performing a P2P transaction, you must read and understand all the content of this Policy, Terms, and relevant ALMAZ rules.

The Platform is not a party to P2P transactions. Therefore, any disputes between users engaging in P2P transactions are not related to the Platform. The Platform does not have rights or obligations to resolve disputes arising on it. The Platform has no financial or non-financial obligations and is not responsible to either party (including not providing any guarantees of compensation in the event of financial losses).
You agree and allow the Platform to take all reasonable actions (including in certain circumstances, canceling operations and disabling account functions under certain circumstances) in accordance with this Policy, Terms, and relevant rules for using ALMAZ platforms to protect your legal rights, the legal rights of the platform, and other users.

Note: The payment methods specified on ALMAZ Garant represent possible options for fiat transactions between users.

VI. Arbitration and Dispute Resolution

In the event of a dispute related to transactions, the user must contact the platform’s arbitration to resolve the situation.

To initiate proceedings, you need to provide all necessary documentation and evidence confirming the circumstances. This may include but is not limited to:
 – Screenshots or videos of platform usage.

Proof of payments made.

The Platform reserves the right to request additional documents or information if necessary for making a fair decision.

Arbitration process users must actively cooperate with the platform and meet evidence requirements.

Arbitration decisions are binding and not subject to appeal.

In case of refusal to cooperate or providing false information, the platform has the right to apply sanctions, including account blocking or functionality restriction.

The platform reserves the right to make the final decision on each arbitration case.

VII. Non-Standard Trading Behavior and Countermeasures

You agree that, to the extent permitted by applicable law, the Platform is not responsible for any losses resulting from P2P transactions and service usage in accordance with this Policy if such losses occurred for reasons unrelated to intentional actions or gross negligence on the part of the Platform, including hacker attacks, power outages, and unavoidable technical failures.

The Platform has the right to restrict, suspend or terminate your account or limit access to services immediately and without prior notice for a period at its discretion if:
 – We reasonably suspect you of violating or being able to violate this Policy.
 – We have found that you are using multiple accounts for Garant activities.
 – We deem it necessary to protect other users. In the event of a decision to restrict or deny you access to the service, we are not responsible for any consequences resulting from restriction or denial of access to the service, including possible delays, losses, or inconveniences.
 – We found that your use of the Platform may negatively affect or hinder others from using our services.
 – It was found that during interactions with other users, you used foul language towards the counterparty, insulted, harassed, extorted, threatened them, or otherwise violated or attempted to violate the legal rights (including the right to privacy, publicity, and other intellectual property rights) of other users, as well as collected personal information of other users to pass it on to others.

You acknowledge that our decision to take certain actions, including restricting access, suspending, or deleting your account or wallet, may be based on confidential criteria that are an important part of risk management and security protocols. You agree that the ALMAZ platform is not obligated to disclose to you the details of internal risk management procedures and security measures.

We will lift the restrictions on the account as soon as the reasons for imposing restrictions are eliminated. However, even if the restriction is lifted, we are not obliged to notify you of the time of lifting the restrictions.

Deviations in Trading Behavior


Response Measures

1. The buyer cancels an already created order without prior agreement with the seller or the platform.
If the buyer cancels created orders three times in one day, they will not be able to perform actions on the Platform until the end of the day.

2. Automatic order cancellation due to non-payment within the allotted time.
1) If the user/merchant has automatic order cancellation five times in a row, the system will prohibit them from acting as a Buyer or Seller for 24 hours. 2) If the user, as a Buyer, has automatic order cancellation five times in a row, their online ads will be automatically closed, and they will not be able to post purchase ads for 24 hours. 3) If the merchant, as a Buyer, has this happen eight times in a row, their online ads will be automatically closed.

3. More than two appeals were filed against the User in one day.
Online ads will be closed, and the user will be banned from performing any actions on the Platform.

4. The user’s purchase ad had an online status for a relatively long time, but the transaction completion rate was less than 20%.
The user’s purchase ad will be closed.

5. Several orders for sale by Garant were sequentially canceled. Garant also did not change the order status within the allotted time for confirming the operation.
1st violation: Garant will receive a warning. 
2nd violation: Garant’s function will be suspended for 1 day. 
3rd violation and further: Garant’s function will be suspended for 3 days. 
4th violation and further: Garant’s function will be suspended forever. And the associated referral program accounts and rewards will be annulled.
Detection of Suspicious Actions by Risk Control System
Response Measures

1. The risk control system detected suspicious actions, and the involved users clearly refuse to cooperate with the platform or do not actively do so in the context of money laundering and counter-terrorist financing checks.

The platform may mark such actions in accounts as suspicious and take appropriate measures, including assigning a high-risk level to the user, blocking their account and other related accounts until the evidence provided by the user passes the platform’s verification.

2. User accounts are presumably involved in fraud (or attempted fraud), withdrawal of funds to high-risk platforms (including unlicensed cryptocurrency platforms, online gambling platforms, platforms suspected of money laundering, and other platforms with low-risk control levels), or other high-risk asset transfers.

The platform has the right to block or cancel the operation, withdraw funds, and the entire functionality of related P2P accounts.

3. The account is not used by the users to whom it is registered or is illegally used to purchase digital assets for third parties. It was found that users sold or lent accounts to third parties or illegally acquired digital assets for third parties. Risk warning: monitor the security of your data. This will help avoid their use by other people for criminal actions.
The platform has the right to take appropriate measures, including: temporarily or permanently disabling the Garant function; increasing the withdrawal period; disabling the withdrawal function, or blocking accounts of such users or related accounts.

4. Receipt or provision of digital assets or funds from illegal sources. Users knew or suspected that the funds received from other platforms have illegal origin or nature but allowed these funds to enter the accounts of other platform users.
The platform has the right to permanently disable any or all functions of such users’ accounts and related accounts, as well as terminate support for any services for such users or fulfill any contractual obligations.

5. It was found that the user was involved in money laundering. The risk control system or risk control department employees identified that the user directly participated in money laundering or facilitated it.
The platform has the right to permanently disable any or all functions of the user’s account and related accounts, as well as terminate support for services for the user or fulfill any contractual obligations.

6. Account blocking by court decision. The account is blocked at the request of a judicial authority.
The platform may block the account upon a written request from the judicial authority in accordance with relevant laws and regulations. To unblock the account, the user should contact the appropriate judicial authority and not the platform staff.

7. Judicial investigation. Judicial authorities request information about the user’s account on the platform, particularly in the context of a judicial investigation or consultation.
The platform has the right to disable some functions of the user’s account and other related accounts.